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Economic Nutrition for the Places We Live

Now more than ever we need strong local economies. The choices we make – both as individuals and businesses – have a direct impact on the economic health of the places we live, work, and play.  

2024: Year in Review

Over the past five years, Fogo Island has hosted a series of innovative community events exploring how to strengthen our economic future, including the first PLACE Dialogues (returning to Fogo Island this fall); discussions led by Glenn Blackwood and Chief Mi’sel Joe, and more recently events with NLOWE and the newly formed Fogo Island Chapter of the Gander and Area Chamber of Commerce. Fogo Island has become recognized as a place that welcomes creative thinking, new opportunities, and locally grown solutions.


A flourishing society is built upon prosperous communities, and prosperous communities are only possible when they are supported by strong and resilient community economies. So, how do we strengthen community economies?  How do we build economic momentum for resilient communities?  

Community Business Hub 

Over the past five years, Fogo Island has hosted a series of innovative community events exploring how to strengthen our economic future, including the first PLACE Dialogues (returning to Fogo Island this fall); discussions led by Glenn Blackwood and Chief Mi’sel Joe, and more recently events with NLOWE and the newly formed Fogo Island Chapter of the Gander and Area Chamber of Commerce. Fogo Island has become recognized as a place that welcomes creative thinking, new opportunities, and locally grown solutions.

Leadership in Place

Shorefast’s CEO & Founder, Zita Cobb, on the importance of local leadership in the places we live.

Andria Hickey joins Shorefast and Fogo Island Arts as Head of Programs

Zita Cobb delivers the Keynote at the Evergreen Conference

Shorefast's CEO joined thought leaders, community members, private and public sector innovators, and city builders from across the country to talk about place as key to a resilient and connected future.

Rocks have Stories to Tell – A Conversation with Geologist-in-Residence Peter Croal

Throughout the year, Shorefast welcomes a variety of practitioners ranging from geologists to artists to chefs to Fogo Island. An intended outcome is the exchange of ideas and perspectives that can lay the groundwork for reflection, pause, and new ways of seeing the world in front of us.  

Crafting for Connection

Shorefast programming provides people with a place to connect with their neighbours and learn more about the culture and nature of Fogo Island. 

Art & Climate Change 

Fogo Island Arts’ partnership with the National Gallery of Canada, the World Weather Network, and contemporary artist Liam Gillick, is shaping a global conversation around art, climate, and the importance of place.  

Cultural Innovation: A Community Talk with Architect Todd Saunders

Design and architecture can be used to stimulate innovation and give centuries-old knowledge, traditions, and culture an economic foundation.

Understanding our Geographic Context: The Importance of the Labrador Current 

As an organization grounded in a place-based approach to economic development, we always start with what is in front of us.   

Community Science on Fogo Island

Engaging community members in ocean research means they bring their historical, cultural, industrial, and lived experience to each project.

Chatting with Community Host Rosemarie Burke

Food for Thought: Reinforcing our local economy through an appreciation of our foodways

Know your neighbours, know yourself,” a conversation between Zita Cobb & Michael Bungay Stanier.

Zita’s Story

Zita Cobb was born on Fogo Island in 1958, part of the eighth generation in her family to call the island home. Forced to leave the island after the collapse of the inshore cod fishery, she and her family ended up in Ontario, Canada where she studied business in Ottawa.

Cauliflower Thinking

Fogo Island is a small floret with big stories. Here, we share these stories to present varying views on life, work, and art on this Island in the North Atlantic.

Zita Cobb joins thought leaders to discuss paradigm shifts in how we think about capital and the economy 

Exploring Seaweed Cultivation on Fogo Island

Fogo Island’s Annual Scholarship Program

Liam Gillick unveils a Weather Station on Fogo Island

In the Punt with PJ Decker

The Floret—Ernst Hupel

The Floret—Mackenzie Hewitt

The Floret—Jonathan Gushue

A Living, Breathing Ode to the Mighty Punt: The New Punt Premises Opens 



Press Categories

Zita Cobb on Community Tourism

SKIFT Global Forum 2024

Business lessons from Fogo Island to apply in Conche

Farr and Away

Fogo Island: A far away comeback story

Zita Cobb’s 2023 Thomas d’Aquino Lecture on Leadership

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