How do I read an Economic Nutrition Label?
The information along the top of the label includes the business name, type of business structure, and unit of measure, giving a frame of reference for what is about to be shared (product, service, or whole business unit).
Information is then broken into two parts:
What does the money pay for?
This section breaks down the percentage of the purchase price as it is reinvested in input costs. Expense categories (such as labour, admin, etc.) are intended to be broad enough to relate to a wide range of readers, while comprehensive enough in scope that they can be used across industries, products, and services.
Where does the money go?
This section identifies where the money used to source inputs lands geographically across four categories: local, regional, national, and international. “Local” represents a municipal area (city, town, or community). The next largest unit of measure, in Canada, is “Provincial.”